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Discouraged Stereotypes


In the the following news sources, the general idea is that the news sources want to reduce stereotyping of Islam and Muslims by reinforcing their thoughts that the film uses terms like "Islamist" and "Jihadist" in a negative light. As a result, these media sources are taking a stance against the museum because they want to as accurately as possible take the majority of muslims out of the 9/11 attack.


A blog by the Huffington Post stated that the five reasons why "Islamist" and "Jihadist" should be removed from the film. The five reasons they expanded on are: guilt by association, it's a double standard, it's pejorative and broadly rejected, it's harmful, and it's a misrepresentation. The article uses these five reasons to as simply as possible explain why these words are harmful to Muslims and Islam. 


















A blog by Counter Jihad agrees with the common themes of Huffington Post by saying that the terms "Islamist" and "Jihadist" give Muslims a negative connotation in today's society. The blog states that the film needs to be more sensitive and accurate in its portrayal of Islam, in order to prevent ordinary muslims being clumped with terrorism. 

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